🌎 v0.1.5 - Power Mix Update
The power mix information (gCO2/kWh) for a lot of countries got updated to numbers from 2020.
Release notes v0.1.5🏛 v0.1.4 - Historical data
Historical data can now be found in the 'historical' tab that allows to compare data transfer, co2eq and electricity usage over months and years. Note: Historical data will start to be recorded with the installation of the update.
Release notes v0.1.4🌎 v0.1.3 - Power mix country update
Power mix information for existing countries got updated; new power mix data got added for following countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, UK, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea and Turkey.
Release notes v0.1.3🐛 v0.1.2
Passively consumed media data like streams are now collected more precisely. Version number added in settings menu.
🌱 v0.1.1
Only process requests with a given content-length.
🚀 Landed
The browser extension got published in version v0.1.0 in the chrome web store.
⏰ Submitted
The browser extension got submitted and is close to be published in the chrome extension store.